Supplier Code of Conduct - DPW
In this Code of Conduct, DPW has defined its requirements and principles for cooperation with its business partners. These apply in particular to compliance with ethical and social standards, legal principles and integrity. By continuing to do business with DPW, you agree to abide by the terms of DPW’s code of conduct. Our business partners include all companies from which we procure goods and services, for example, suppliers, consultants, logistics companies or other providers of goods and services. DPW expects its business partners to consider and comply with the principles set out here in all their activities.
Fundamental principles and values
DPW is committed to positive social and environmental impact. Our vision is to establish a purpose-driven business that creates benefits for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Inspired by the declaration of interdependence from the B Corp movement, we believe;
- That we must be the change we seek in the world.
- That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.
- That, through products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.
- To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon one another and thus be responsible for each other and future generations.
Accordingly, we expect our business partners to comply in particular with social and ethical standards along the entire value chain. In addition, compliance with legal principles is a prerequisite for cooperation.
Our values are based on social commitment, respect and integrity - we also expect our business partners to value and implement these attributes. This includes fairness and loyalty towards all employees, customers and business partners and at the same time excludes any form of discrimination.
Social responsibility - human rights and working environment
The recognized human rights must be respected and upheld by you, the business partner, at all times. The business partner shall also ensure that children or forced laborers are not employed at any time and that no form of mental violence or coercion is used against employees. Furthermore, it must be ensured that freedom of assembly is guaranteed and that the formation of interest groups and collective bargaining are respected. The rights of employees must be protected at all times, especially with regard to regulated working hours, regularity of employment and remuneration, in accordance with applicable legal standards. In addition, the business partner undertakes to give the highest priority to the safety and health of its employees. This includes ensuring a safe and healthy working environment, eliminating potential sources of danger and implementing safety-related qualification measures.
In addition, our business partners are committed to promoting a diverse work environment and guaranteeing equal opportunities for their employees. Discrimination is not tolerated at the time of employment or at any time during the employment period. Personal data of employees, customers and business partners must be protected and treated with appropriate confidentiality.
Our partners therefore guarantee compliance with the respective applicable legal provisions. Together with our production and trading partners, we want to ensure that those involved in our value chain can live and work under fair conditions. We cannot rely only on a reliable standard for compliance with fair conditions. Therefore, we hereby call upon our partners to enable the assurance of our values and values through transparent actions.
Environmental responsibility
Sustainable management and environmental protection are part of our company’s values, and we expect the same from our business partners. Our partners are committed to environmental and climate protection by complying with applicable environmental standards. In addition, they should take effective measures that reflect their responsibility for the environment and avoid or compensate for externalities in the best possible way. Therefore, we require our partners to establish written environmental policies and standards that reflect applicable environmental laws and take a progressive approach to minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Compliance with these standards and guidelines must be documented at regular intervals.
In addition, suppliers must respect animal welfare and ensure humane animal handling practices.
White-collar crime and corruption are not tolerated by DPW in any way and are strictly rejected. This includes any conduct that leads to the abuse of a position of power, bribery and corruption, as well as the granting and acceptance of advantages. Corresponding conduct or suspicion thereof should also be reported internally by employees.
Sponsoring of individuals, groups or organizations is only done on a voluntary basis without expectation of consideration or business benefits.
Furthermore, our business partners undertake not to offer any gratuities or other benefits to holders of political office or representatives of public institutions and authorities.
Competitive behaviour
All employees and business partners are committed to fair competition without restriction and comply with the laws against restraints of competition of all countries in which they do business.
Any agreements or arrangements with competitors that restrict or hinder competition are prohibited. Corresponding prohibitions under competition law also apply to customers, suppliers and other business partners. Furthermore, any dominant market position of a business partner may not be abused to influence competition.
Confidential or sensitive information must be treated with care at all times and may not be disclosed to third parties without consent.
We do not allow subcontracting (beyond the reasonable use of freelance or contract workers) without our prior written approval. Direct suppliers are required to continually screen approved subcontractors and sub-suppliers for social and environmental responsibility, using standards that meet or exceed our Code requirements.
Compliance with this Code of Conduct
Each of our employees is required to comply with the Code of Conduct and to report violations of the law or the Code to their supervisor or to the appropriate authorities. Such reports must be treated confidentially and must not result in any disadvantage for the employee concerned. Likewise, employees who violate the Code of Conduct must expect consequences ranging from consequences under labor law to criminal charges - depending on the severity of the violation.
We expect our business partners to be equally faithful to the principles listed and to take appropriate action in the event of non-compliance. The same applies to the selection of their suppliers, so that it is ensured that the principles of the Code of Conduct are respected throughout the supply chain.